Automatically generate subtitles on your videos with Maestra’s all new text editor.

Akiva Aranoff
May 25, 2020
Automatically generate subtitles on your videos with Maestra’s all new
									text editor.
Automatically generate subtitles on your videos with Maestra’s all new text editor.

With Maestra’s new text editor, you can automatically subtitle and caption your videos to English and foreign languages in just seconds.

We’ve added a ton of new features to make the process as easy as possible!

Here are 5 features built to help you reach your international audience:

1. Automatic Embedding

Now you can automatically embed your videos on your own site, just by clicking the “Embed” button. Click and paste the embed code onto your website to give viewers access without having to share large files.

2. Instant Translations

Add more than 80 languages by pressing “Add Language” then selecting the language of your choice.

3. Timestamp Editing

Easily edit your timestamps by dragging the edge of the text boxes on the bottom of the screen to the appropriate time:

Timeline Editor

4. Easy Sentence Editing

Delete lines by pressing the “x” button, or create new sentences by pressing the “+” button. If you’d like to merge sentences together, press the “double-arrow” merge button.

Editor Sentence Controls

5. Multi Format Exporting

Export your files in different formats, such as .SRT, .VTT, .TXT, and .PDF.

Export Options

These are just some of the features that Maestra offers to help you reach a larger audience! Get started today!

If you have any suggestions on new features you’d like us to add, we’re always happy to hear from you at!

Akiva Aranoff
May 25, 2020

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Embed Your Videos With Subtitles and Voiceovers

Embed Your Videos With Subtitles and Voiceovers

With Maestra you can now embed your automatically subtitled and voiced over videos directly on to your website!

Akiva Aranoff Akiva Aranoff