Video advertisements are powerful for your marketing strategy. The truth
is that digital marketing is saturated with tons of content, so setting
yours apart is critical.Creating a video for video marketing is now fairly
simple, but it can be hard to reach all of your target audiences. What
if your market research uncovers that your target audience speaks different
languages? Would you have to create multiple videos to hit all of the demographics?
The good news is that there's a solution for promoting your product or
service around the world without creating several videos or hiring different
voice actors. Maestra can help you expand your marketing horizons by providing
dubbing, voiceover, and online translation services that will work perfectly
for any advertisement campaign. Marketing efforts on social media platforms
may seem like a big task, but Maestra makes the work of voiceovers and
dubbing simple and smooth so that you do not have to stress about the workload.
Why are video voiceovers and dubbing so helpful for marketing campaign
videos? In this article, we break down the top 5 reasons why video voiceovers
can boost your audience outreach efforts.
Boost Your Professional Atmosphere
Videos that include voiceovers provide a more professional feel. Even
if you do not think audio is important in your advertisement campaigns,
there are many people who rely on audio descriptions to make their decisions
about online advertisements. How many times have you scrolled through social
media, saw an advertisement that had no sound besides background music,
and all of the actual information about the ad was through the post description
or posted in words on the campaign itself? If your answer is often, then
you may have also found yourself swiping away from that ad because it did
not grab your attention. In order to deliver your message to your audience
in a way that will make them invest in your services, you need to have
a call to action that can be highlighted in more than just a social media
description or having “BUY NOW” written across the campaign. Including
audio content on your videos can make your company, business, or service
look more appealing and professional because you are willing to put in
the work to have multiple levels of strategies for your advertisements.
Target Specific Audiences
Suppose you are looking to expand your audience to an international view,
or even target specific nationalities that are in your target audience.
In that case, you can use voiceovers to reach individuals that speak specific
foreign languages. It is important to account for people in your target
audience who are not native speakers of your native language. With Maestra,
you can keep your original video campaigns but just add specific audio
tracks that feature voiceover translations of
your requested content. Maestra has an automatic video dubber that
uses AI to translate and dub over the original audio in one of over 70
languages. After you select your language, you can synthesize your voice
recording options from a variety of computer-generated audio content recordings.
Frame the Narrative of Your Video
One thing that you must decide on before adding audio recordings or voiceovers
to your content is to determine the tone you want to set for your campaign.
This tone will direct the entire frame of your campaign’s narrative. If
you want to sway your audience into buying a product, you may want to go
for a more enthusiastic tone. If you want to make your audience feel something
or get attached to a campaign, you may want to aim for a more compelling
voice. Choosing the perfect voice to match your campaign can be crucial
to its overall success. Luckily, Maestra has voiceover software that will
allow you to overlay AI-generated neural voices with your original video
content. With the option to edit your voiceover as well, you can make the
audio work perfectly with your original video content, so you don’t have
to worry about shooting video for the audio to correlate with.
Maestra for Video Voiceovers
Choosing the right voice-over solution for your videos is essential. If
you are looking for trained voice actors to provide audio content for specific
content, then you can expect to spend a lot of money. The truth is that
there's a much easier solution than hiring voice talent for video voiceovers
and dubbing. Maestra has you covered. From explainer videos to documentaries
to commentary, Maestra has your back with AI- generated voiceovers. Our
software tool will save you less effort in attempting to find a professional
voice actor who is willing to stay on and do extended work and less money
since Maestra can do it all and translate your dialogue effortlessly.
Easy Translation Without Relying on Google Translate
While the most spoken language in the world is currently English, that does not mean that there are
other languages that people are more familiar with. In fact, the language
with the most native speakers is Mandarin Chinese, not English. Hindi and Spanish
are also very highly spoken both natively and internationally. Therefore,
you may need more than one language to reach your ideal audience. Google
Translate can help translate in a pinch, but it is not the most accurate
solution. Maestra provides those same services but with the addition of
dubbing software that integrates the languages with your video campaigns.
The automatic voiceover and video dubbing software provides voiceover audio
from transcripts and includes creates speaker tags for each speaker.
these translations are automatic, you can also go in and edit translations
and audio at your discretion. After your voiceovers are generated with
our software, Maestra’s advanced editing tools allow you to edit timecodes and translations, and
merge or remove lines in a simple manner, all in the same interface. Even
though Maestra’s translations are accurate,
editing can be required to implement nuances and overall acquire a better
end result for your business.
Simplify Video Voiceovers with Maestra
Take your videos to the next level with Maestra. Our simple software solution
offers multiple opportunities for expanding your business outreach, including
video dubbing. With our voiceover and dubbing software, you can save time,
money, and effort while still accomplishing your goals for your audience
outreach. Get started by uploading files ,
or requesting your free demo.