How to Run a Level 10 Meeting (with Template and Tips)

How to Run a Level 10 Meeting (with Template and Tips)

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Derailed meetings can be a nightmare, and a Level 10 meeting might be the solution you need. This weekly meeting framework follows a set of structures that guarantees accountability, clear communication, and effective decision-making. When the meeting ends, each team member walks away with a precise and aligned understanding of next steps.

In this blog, we will:

  • Explain what a Level 10 (L10) meeting is and highlight its benefits
  • Guide you through how to conduct a Level 10 meeting
  • List 5 best practices that can elevate your Level 10 meetings

Let’s get started.

What is a Level 10 meeting?

A Level 10 meeting is a strategic, time-bound, weekly meeting that is designed to improve the productivity and collaboration within a team, particularly among leadership. A highly valuable practice for startups and entrepreneurs, Level 10 meetings:

  • Strictly last 90 minutes
  • Happen at the same time on the same day each week
  • Follow a structured agenda
  • Are ideally attended by six or seven people (While more than seven can slow down decision-making, fewer than four may limit diverse perspectives and meaningful dialogue.)
  • A group of business people showing each other data charts around a table.

    At the end of each meeting, participants rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. The perfect “Level 10” score indicates a truly productive session free of distractions.

    This evaluation method, along with the entire Level 10 meeting format, is part of the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), which is a business model focused on optimizing operations and achieving long-term success. EOS offers a set of concepts and practical tools, and the Level 10 meeting structure is just one of them.

    Transcribe Your Level 10 Meetings with AI

    Instantly convert your L10 meeting into text to accurately capture and document Rocks, Headlines, Issues and To-Do List items.

    Start transcribing now

    4 Benefits of Level 10 Meetings

    Wondering if you should implement Level 10 meetings in your organization? Here are the 4 main benefits this meeting framework offers:

    1. Time-saving in the long run: While Level 10 meetings require a consistent time commitment each week, they ultimately save time by promoting efficiency. No more need for ad-hoc meetings, email exchanges, and follow-up discussions.
    2. Accountability and alignment: Level 10 meetings require team members to report on their progress and commitments. Furthermore, their regularity helps everyone align with company goals, fostering a collective commitment to success.
    3. Better decision-making and problem-solving: A structured Level 10 meeting agenda identifies, discusses, and prioritizes challenges efficiently. By dedicating specific time to problem solving, the team can brainstorm and evaluate solutions together, leading to more informed decisions.
    4. Stronger company culture: Incorporating Level 10 meetings into your workflow demonstrates that you value the time and perspectives of team members. This not only boosts employee morale, loyalty and collaboration but also enhances the whole work environment.
    5. Top view shot of hands assembling a jigsaw puzzle, representing collaboration in a Level 10 meeting

      How to Run a Level 10 Meeting

      Level 10 meetings are straightforward to run because they follow a predefined agenda. Below you will find what you can do before, during and after the meeting for a seamless process that leads to actionable outcomes.

      Before the Meeting

      • Decide on the meeting day and time. If this is your first attempt, consider the availability of all participants to ensure maximum attendance. Afterwards, stick to the same day and time each week for a reliable meeting cadence.
      • Assign a facilitator and a scribe. As EOS points out, the facilitator will “move the team through the agenda to keep on schedule.” Meanwhile, the scribe will note down updates, takeaways, To-Do List items, and issues.
      • Send the meeting agenda. The Level 10 meeting template is composed of 7 essential parts, which we will break down in detail in the next section. Distributing the agenda beforehand will help participants understand the meeting’s structure and focus.
      • Gather relevant information. This may include performance metrics, project updates, and financial data. Having these available will provide the necessary context for meaningful discussions.
      • Review previous meeting notes. If you have held Level 10 meetings before, take some time to look at the notes from the last one. This will refresh your memory about unresolved issues and foster continuity.
      • Set up the meeting for recording. Inform participants, and specify how the recording will be shared or used afterward. Additionally, test whether other tools or features are functioning properly.
      • Related Article

        During the Meeting

        To get the most out of your Level 10 meeting, it’s essential to adhere to this specific format precisely. Remember; each part of the meeting has its own purpose that keeps the conversation focused and productive.

        Before we explore these parts, let’s take a look at the key terms that will guide our understanding of this meeting structure:

        • The Issues List is a collection of obstacles or challenges that need to be addressed by the team. Items are added to the list when they are flagged as “off track” or “not done” during various agenda parts.
        • Rocks are quarterly goals that are critical for the company’s success. Each team member typically has 3-5 Rocks to focus on during a quarter. For example, a sales manager’s Rock may be to increase new client acquisitions by 15% over the next quarter.
        • Headlines are updates or news related to customers or employees. They can be either good or bad. For example, a positive headline can be “Our latest product received 5-stars in customer reviews across all platforms.”
        • To-Do List tasks are assigned to team members with the expectation that they’ll be completed by the next meeting. In other words, they are weekly goals. For example, a social media manager might have a To-Do List item like creating five posts for the upcoming product launch by Friday.
        • A green to-do list post-it on purple surface.
          Agenda Part Duration Purpose What to Do
          Segue 5 minutes To facilitate a smooth transition into the meeting. Think of it as an icebreaker. Each team member shares personal or professional good news from the previous week (e.g. achievements, milestones.)
          Scorecard Review 5 minutes To identify and review key metrics and performance indicators (revenue, churn, etc.) that impact business success. Each key metric has an owner. The owner states if their metric is “on track” or “off track”. Any off-track metrics are moved to the Issues List to be discussed later.
          Rock Review 5 minutes To share current standings on Rocks. Each person states whether their Rocks are “on track” or “off track.” Any off-track Rocks are moved to the Issues List.
          Headlines 5 minutes To share good or bad news related to customers or employees. Each person shares one headline with the team. Any bad news is moved to the Issues List.
          To-Do List 5 minutes To share the status of weekly goals. Each person identifies their To-Do List items as either “done” or “not done”. Any “not-done" items are moved to the Issues List.
          IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve)* 60 minutes To understand the root cause of the issues and solve them. The person who raises the issue clearly Identifies it. Then the team Discusses the issue to get to its root cause. Finally, the team decides the best way to Solve the issue.
          Conclusion** 5 minutes To quickly summarize the meeting and clarify next steps. The facilitator recaps the new To-Do List. Finally, each team member ranks the effectiveness of the meeting from 1 to 10.

          *As the longest and most crucial part of the Level 10 meeting, IDS is where the real progress happens. Once all “off track” matters are identified earlier in the meeting, the Issues List typically contains 5-15 items. In IDS, team members go through the list and rank the three most important issues to tackle right away. Once an issue is solved, the team moves onto the next one.

          **During the Conclusion section, the team also identifies if there are any cascade messages that need to be communicated outside of the meeting. For example, there may be changes in deadlines that need to be shared with the rest of the company for alignment.

          After the Meeting

          • Transcribe the meeting and distribute the notes promptly. While transcribing will ensure that all discussions are accurately archived, meeting notes will provide a clear outline of decisions made and action items assigned. This will not only reinforce accountability but also minimize the risk of misunderstandings.
          • Maintain a Level 10 meeting library. It will serve as a centralized repository for all discussions, decisions, and progress over time. You can categorize notes by date and topic, which will make it easy to locate specific keywords and action items.
          • 5 Best Practices for Level 10 Meetings

            Before we conclude our blog, let’s explore five best practices that elevate Level 10 meetings. Implement these tips and keep your team motivated to achieve results.

            • Choose the right facilitator. Acting as a neutral party, the facilitator should be adept at leading discussions and managing group dynamics. They should also be skilled in conflict resolution to handle any disagreements that may arise during the meeting.
            • Stick to the designated time slots. Start and end on time to maintain a sense of discipline and respect everyone’s schedule. If a topic requires more in-depth discussion, schedule a separate follow-up meeting rather than extending the current one.
            • Utilize a visual scorecard. It is a useful tool for keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs). Allowing to see various metrics at a glance, it will create a shared understanding of the team’s priorities.
            • Use open-ended, probing questions during the IDS section. By stimulating deeper thought, they will help you uncover the root causes of issues and develop solutions. For example, consider asking “What assumptions are we making about this issue that might be incorrect?”
            • Encourage participation. A Level 10 meeting will be fruitful if everyone feels comfortable voicing their opinions and contributing to the discussion. Establish ground rules for respective dialogue and actively solicit feedback by asking open-ended questions.
            • Two people in a meeting, seated at a table with laptops open in front of them.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              How long should a L10 meeting be?

              A Level 10 meeting should last 90 minutes. While the longest IDS (Identify, Discuss, Solve) section is 60-minutes long, the other six sections are 5-minutes long. This structured format ensures the meeting stays on track and doesn’t exceed the allotted time.

              What is a Level 10 meeting agenda?

              A Level 10 meeting agenda is a structured format composed of seven parts. It keeps the meeting focused and promotes accountability among team members. You can find several L10 meeting agenda templates online, including those offered byNotion, ClickUp , and Hypercontext .

              What is the EOS technique?

              The EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) technique is a comprehensive business management framework that consists of six key components: vision, people, data, issues, process, traction. By focusing on these elements, EOS aims to foster a culture of discipline and accountability, eventually taking businesses from chaos to clarity. Meanwhile, Level 10 meetings are a part of the EOS technique.

              What is an EOS tool?

              There are several tools in the EOS framework. Some popular ones are the Vision/Traction Organizer (for clarifying your company’s goals and how to get there), the Accountability Chart (for defining everyone’s roles and responsibilities), and the People Analyzer (for assessing team members against core values and expectations). The Level 10 meeting agenda is one of the EOS tools as well.

              How to rate a Level 10 meeting?

              To rate a L10 meeting, team members can use a simple rating scale from 1 to 10. They can then rate: adherence to the agenda and time management, quality of discussions and problem-solving, and participation and engagement from all team members. Don’t forget that every L10 meeting must end with a rating session to gather feedback immediately.


              This blog provided a step-by-step guide on how to run Level 10 meetings. It also shared 5 best practices to help you optimize these meetings, ensuring they stay organized, productive, and aligned with your company’s goals.

              Here are our 3 golden rules for Level 10 meetings:

              • Always adhere to the structured format, as this is the foundation of a successful L10 meeting.
              • Hear diverse voices during the IDS section by asking probing questions and encouraging everyone to contribute.
              • Maintain a dedicated L10 meeting library that involves transcripts and meeting notes to track progress over time.

              No more endless discussion with no clear direction; enjoy real growth with L10 meetings.

              Serra Ardem

              About Serra Ardem

              Serra Ardem is a freelance writer and editor based in Istanbul. For the last 8 years, she has been collaborating with brands and businesses to tell their unique story and develop their verbal identity.