In today’s world of remote work, just because we attend meetings from
the comfort of our homes doesn’t mean that we should abandon common courtesies.
In fact, Zoom etiquette is more important than ever to ensure an efficient
virtual meeting experience.
In this blog, we will first explain what Zoom etiquette is and why it
matters. Then, we will share the best practices for four different cases: Zoom etiquette for business meetings, students, interviewees, and hosts.
We will also cover the essential ground rules that apply to everyone on
Let’s dive in.
What is Zoom etiquette?
Zoom etiquette refers to a set of guidelines and best practices that should
be followed when participating in video conferences or meetings on Zoom.
These are designed to ensure a respectful and smooth experience for all
Generally, Zoom etiquette involves being mindful of your audio and video
settings, respecting others’ time and attention, and creating an environment
where everyone feels comfortable. Additionally, it includes actively engaging
in discussions, refraining from multitasking, and utilizing Zoom features
in the most productive way.
Why is Zoom etiquette important?
Overall, Zoom etiquette is crucial for fostering a productive, professional
and positive environment. Here are 4 key points illustrating its importance:
Professionalism: Adhering to Zoom meeting etiquette demonstrates
respect for other participants, mirroring expectations in a traditional
in-person setting.
Effective communication: Practices like maintaining eye
contact or being mindful of body language facilitate effective communication
during virtual interactions.
Minimizing distractions: By muting your microphone or
having a clear background, you can minimize distractions and allow everyone
to focus on the meeting’s content.
Meeting productivity: When everyone follows Zoom etiquette,
meetings run more smoothly, facilitating better decision-making and time
Make Your Meetings Accessible for Everyone
Improve meeting etiquette by providing a clear record for all participants. Transcribe your Zoom meetings instantly with AI in 125+ languages.
In this section, we will share actionable Zoom etiquette tips for four
different situations and attendees: professionals in business meetings,
students in the classroom, interviewees hoping to land the job, and hosts
leading the session. However, first let’s remember the 10 ground rules
for everyone. These are the core principles of Zoom.
Choose a simple, uncluttered background. Avoid distracting
backgrounds that may draw attention away from the discussion.
Adjust lighting. Natural light is ideal for Zoom calls.
If that's not an option, position a lamp or other light source to illuminate
your face without being overly harsh.
Join the meeting on time. Early arrival is even better,
giving you a chance to resolve any technical issues.
Mute your microphone when you’re not speaking. Remember
to unmute before speaking to prevent awkward silences.
Familiarize yourself with Zoom features. Understanding
how to share your screen, use the chat, and react appropriately keeps
the meeting flowing smoothly.
Set your status. Use the status features like "away"
and "do not disturb" to communicate your availability to other participants.
Utilize the “Leave Meeting” button for a clean exit. This
will avoid disrupting the ongoing session.
Be patient with technical issues. Show understanding
if someone experiences connectivity problems or glitches.
Test links and files in advance. Ensure that they open
and function correctly to save valuable time.
Use the chat respectfully. It can be a great support
for questions or comments, but do not engage in side conversations or unnecessary
Virtual meetings are now a mainstay in the fast-paced world of business,
and Zoom is one of the most powerful tools for collaboration. These Zoom
etiquette tips for business meetings will demonstrate professionalism,
respect for colleagues’ time and a commitment to achieving meeting goals.
Mind different time zones. Select a time that works for
the majority, or consider rotating meeting times to accommodate everyone.
Clearly communicate the time zone in the meeting invitation to avoid confusion.
Speak concisely. Prepare your key points beforehand to
stay organized and focused, and then express your ideas directly. Try not
to get sidetracked, as this can disrupt the flow of the meeting.
Give the meeting your full attention. While tempting,
multitasking during a Zoom meeting is counterproductive. Close unnecessary
tabs and applications, silence notifications, and inform your colleagues
if you have to multitask.
Utilize screen sharing for visualization. Use it to share
slides, reports, or other visual aids that support your talking points.
This will allow you to walk participants through complex data, highlight
key information, and ensure everyone is on the same page.
Keep the chat focused on the meeting agenda. Before posting
a comment or question, ask yourself: Does this directly relate to the current topic of discussion? Will it add value or create a distraction?
Zoom Etiquette for Students
Today, online learning often relies on video conferencing platforms like
Zoom. Following these simple guidelines will help you get the most out
of Zoom classes.
Set your display name accurately. Make sure your first
and last name are displayed clearly, and match how your teacher has them
in their records. Some teachers may have specific preferences for how names
are displayed, such as using first names followed by the last initial.
Pin the teacher’s video. Hover over
your teacher’s video, click “...” and then “Pin”. If the "pin" option isn't
available, try switching to "Speaker View" instead, which will prioritize
whoever is talking.
Respect virtual office hours. If your teacher offers virtual
office hours, treat them like in-person meetings. Be on time, prepared,
and ready to discuss any questions or issues related to your coursework.
Know the rules for specific classes. Most teachers will
outline their preferences for virtual communication during the first few
sessions. Some teachers may include a section on their Zoom expectations
within the course syllabus.
Use the “raise hand” feature for longer comments and thumbs-up or other reactions to show agreement. This
will contribute to an inclusive and interactive learning environment where
students feel comfortable with participation.
Zoom Etiquette for Interviews
Virtual interviews are becoming increasingly common, and it’s crucial
to demonstrate your ability to navigate technology as confidently as possible.
Nailing Zoom interview etiquette will showcase your attention to detail
and competence in the digital workspace.
Have your notes out of sight. Try to internalize your
most important talking points and answers to potential interview questions.
If you must refer to your notes, opt for small post-its placed strategically
near your webcam.
Dress one level up. Think about what you'd wear to an
in-person interview, then elevate it slightly. Prioritize a polished top,
a nice shirt, or a more formal blouse.
Position your camera at eye level. You
might need to raise or lower your chair to align comfortably with your
webcam. Do a Zoom test call before your interview to check if your eye
line looks natural.
Keep water nearby. Position it slightly off to the side
of your frame, within easy reach. Try to time your sips of water during
natural pauses in the conversation or after you've finished making a point.
Send a thank-you email within 24 hours of the interview, ideally the same day. Begin
by genuinely thanking the interviewer(s) for their time and consideration.
Then, briefly restate your enthusiasm for the position and why you feel
you'd be a good fit.
Hosting a Zoom meeting or event carries a responsibility of creating a
welcoming environment. Following proper Zoom etiquette will ensure that
all participants feel respected and included throughout the gathering.
Play light background music in the waiting room. Choose
calm, instrumental music like soft jazz. Make sure it’s not too loud, as
it should not interfere with pre-meeting conversations.
If you want to record the meeting, notify attendees beforehand to get their consent. Also,
consider providing a transcript after
the meeting. This can be useful for people who prefer to review the content
in written form, speak different languages and need translation, or deaf
and hard of hearing individuals.
Set a clear end time. State it at the beginning of the
call. Then, give explicit notice when there are five minutes remaining.
This helps wrap up the final points, preventing abrupt endings.
Designate breaks. For meetings under an hour, a single
5-minute break might suffice. For longer sessions, aim for 5-10 minute
breaks every 50-60 minutes. Outline your break plan at the start of the
meeting so attendees can know what to expect.
End with a call-to-action. Give attendees a clear next
step. This can be a follow-up task, a resource link, a way to provide feedback,
or any action that reinforces the achievement of meeting objectives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it rude to turn off your camera in Zoom meetings?
Turning your camera off on Zoom can sometimes be acceptable, but it depends on the circumstances. Good Zoom etiquette involves being present and engaged, so it’s generally better to have your camera on and participate fully. Still, turning your camera off is understandable if you’re experiencing technical difficulties or dealing with a personal matter that requires privacy.
Should I look at the camera on Zoom?
Yes, when using Zoom, looking at the camera creates a sense of connection by mimicking eye contact. This will signal your interest and attentiveness to the conversation. Still, it’s fine to look at the screen occasionally to read others’ reactions.
How do I look confident in Zoom?
Confidence on Zoom is all about your posture, voice, and visual setup. Make sure you sit up straight, and speak clearly and at a steady pace, avoiding filler words. A clutter-free background and good lighting will also enhance your on-screen presence.
How do you look good in Zoom class?
Zoom etiquette plays a crucial role in looking good in a Zoom class. Dress neatly and avoid any distractions that might draw attention away from the lesson. Plus, position your camera at eye level and check the lighting so that you’re clearly visible and focused.
Is it OK to eat while at a Zoom meeting?
Generally, it’s considered poor Zoom etiquette to eat during a meeting. If it’s a long meeting and you need a quick snack, try to do it discreetly with your camera and microphone off. If you absolutely must eat during a meeting, opt for non-messy foods and always mute yourself.
This blog explored the concept of Zoom etiquette while sharing specific
guidelines tailored for business professionals, students, interviewees
and hosts. It also highlighted ground rules and practical advice for all
Zoom users aiming for proper conduct in the meetings.
Zoom etiquette will likely become more important in our personal and professional
lives as technology develops. Learning these practices and paying attention
to details can position you for success in the virtual spaces of tomorrow.
Remember; small gestures can make big impacts, whether online or face-to-face.