20 Awesome TikTok Challenges to Try in 2024

Welcome to the vast universe of TikTok challenges where opportunity awaits every content creator. Whether you are into fitness, reading or something totally out-of-the-box (yo-yo championships, anyone?); TikTok challenges allow you to connect with a niche community and grow your audience.
In this blog, we will suggest 20 TikTok challenges you can try yourself or with your loved ones in 2024. We will also emphasize what you must consider before joining TikTok challenges for maximum impact and enjoyment.
Ready to share your creative side with the world? Grab your phone; we are diving into the TikTok universe.
What are TikTok challenges?
We can say that TikTok challenges are essentially community-driven calls to action. A user records a video based on a theme and then prompts other users to perform the same action to “join the challenge”.

The possibilities are endless. TikTok users are getting more and more creative, sharing millions of challenge videos on the platform everyday. Meanwhile, some TikTok trends come and go (remember mannequin challenge?) while others like dance challenges remain popular even after years.
How to Do TikTok Challenges
You can follow these steps to join TikTok challenges:
4 Things to Consider Before Joining TikTok Challenges
Whichever challenge you choose to do, remember these 4 things before posting a video:
It’s no joke: TikTok challenges gone wrong can lead to injuries or even deaths. That’s why you should be mindful of potential risks when participating in a challenge. Always choose a safe location, use proper equipment and know your limits.
Add your own twist to the challenge to stay original. Don’t copy others or worry about being perfect. Just enjoy the process and show your authentic self.
TikTok values maintaining an inclusive environment and ensures the platform is accessible to everyone. As a creator, you can caption your TikTok videos to reach deaf or hard of hearing people. Adding auto captions will increase your viewership and support TikTok’s diverse community.
Community Guidelines
Make sure you follow TikTok’s Community Guidelines by creating responsible and respectful content. Use appropriate hashtags to avoid misleading ones that can violate the Guidelines.
20 Fun TikTok Challenges to Join in 2024
There are so many ways to join a TikTok challenge: with your family, friends, partner, pet or all by yourself. Here is our TikTok challenges list to try in 2024.
TikTok Challenges for Family
TikTok challenges have the potential to unlock the hidden comedian in your most serious family member. (We’re just kids at heart after all.)
“Who’s Most Likely” Family Edition
In this challenge, family members answer “Who’s Most Likely” questions by pointing to the person most likely to fit the description. Join this challenge with your larger family to make it even more fun.
Hashtags: #whosmostlikelytochallenge #familyedition #familyfun
Family Dance Challenge
This is one of the classic and most fun TikTok challenges where families participate in choreographed dances together. You can try your original choreography, learn a viral dance routine or create a generational mashup.
Hashtags: #dancechallenge #dancingwithfamily #mashupdance
Popular songs to dance to: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd, Cha Cha Slide by DJ Casper, Better When I’m Dancin’ by Meghan Trainor

Don’t Laugh Challenge
Among the lighthearted TikTok challenges, this one involves family members trying not to laughwhile facing hilarious situations. You can use silly jokes, costumes, weird voices and funny faces as triggers.
Hashtags: #trynottolaugh #holdyourlaugh #cantstoplaughing
Obstacle Course Challenge
For this challenge, you must create a series of physical obstacles by using household items and space. Then you must race or go through these obstacles individually or as a team.
Hashtags: #obstaclecourse #familygame #athomeobstaclecourse
TikTok Challenges for Friends
You will have tears of laughter and create core memories with these TikTok challenges to do with friends.
Ugly Phone Case Challenge
What’s the point of friendship if you don’t prank each other from time to time? In this challenge, friends give each other ridiculous, super ugly phone cases that they have to use during a vacation.
Hashtags: #uglyphonecasechallenge #uglyphonecaseswap #phonecasereveal
Yoga Challenge
You can try a yoga challenge with a friend to improve your practice
and motivate each other. Choose a challenge that matches your level and
celebrate your progress with a well-deserved healthy treat afterwards.
Hashtags: #yogachallenge #partneryoga #yogaposes

Opposite Best Friends Check
The law says it: opposites attract. This TikTok challenge encourages best friends to share their differences in playful and kind of exaggerated ways without being judgemental.
Hashtags: #oppositefriendscheck #bestietiktoktrends #polaropposites
Color Snack Challenge
You can add more fun to your night-in with this challenge where each person brings a color-themed snack basket. Don’t forget to match your basket and dress in the same color.
Hashtags: #colorthemedparty #snackparty #colouredsnackchallenge
TikTok Challenges for Couples
Whether you get silly or romantic together, trying these TikTok challenges with your loved one can strengthen your bonds.
One Arm Lift Challenge
In this challenge, one of the partners tries to lift the other completely off the ground by just using one arm. Make sure you warm up before the challenge and prioritize safety to avoid any accident.
Hashtags: #onearmliftchallenge #fitnesscouple #onearmpickupchallenge
Recreate Your First Date
Why not recreate your first date and go down the memory lane? You can choose your first date’s location, make a then and now comparison and appreciate how far you have come.
Hashtags: #recreatingourfirstdate #dateideas #couplegoals

Word Pronunciation Challenge
For this challenge, couples from different countries or with different accents ask each other to pronounce certain words, which often leads to very funny results.
Hashtags: #pronunciationchallenge #accentchallenge #pronouncewhatisay
14 Questions Challenge
This one can be considered as the “Who’s Most Likely” couples edition and is among the most popular TikTok challenges. You answer a set of 14 questions by pointing out the person with that particular characteristic.
Hashtags: #14questionschallenge #couplesquestions #14questionsforcouples
TikTok Challenges to Try with Pets
Beware, cuteness overload! These pawtastic TikTok challenges for pets are guaranteed to melt your heart.
Hide from Your Pet Challenge
This challenge involves hiding from your pet and waiting for them to find you. Get ready to capture the priceless reaction of your furry sleuth.
Hashtags: #hidefromyourpet #hidefromyourdogchallenge #dogreaction
Long Jump Challenge
Show your pet’s athleticism and flexibility with this mission pawsible. Set up pet-safe obstacles that lead up to that final impressive jump.
Hashtags: #longjumpchallenge #catjumpchallenge #petsoftiktok

Voiceover Challenge
What if your pet could speak? You can add a voiceover to your video to join this challenge and share what is going on inside your pet’s head. (Hint: World domination.)
Hashtags: #voiceoverchallenge #animalvoiceover #funnyvoiceover
Run in Opposite Directions Challenge
In this challenge, two people run in opposite directions to see who their pet goes after. Don't try to cheat and resist that temptation to hide your pet's favorite toy in your hand to lure them.
Hashtags: #runinoppositedirections #dogchallengerunaway #favoriteparent
TikTok Challenges to Do by Yourself
Turn TikTok challenges into your one man show and share your personal journey with these suggestions.
BookTok Challenges
#BookTok, where TikTokers share their passion for reading and literature, is a world on its own. You can try one of the various BookTok prompts such as this Show me a Book Challenge.
Hashtags: #bookchallenge #booktokideas #bookcommunity
Journaling Challenges
There are numerous journaling challenges on TikTok with unique themes such as monthly goals and gratitude lists. Choose the prompt that resonates with you, adapt it to your preferences and track your growth.
Hashtags: #journalwithme #bulletjournaling #selfdevelopment

Workout Challenges
Workout videos like this 1-minute plank challenge never get old. They can help you combat fatigue, show transformations and also motivate other fitness enthusiasts to get moving.
Hashtags: #fitnesschallenge #workoutchallenge #gymtok
Do Something New Every Day
One of the classic TikTok challenges, this theme encourages users to do something they have never done beforeon a daily basis. It is a great way to enrich your life with new experiences.
Hashtags: #trysomethingnewchallenge #newthingstodo #newthingstolearn
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the best TikTok challenges?
This depends on your personal preferences and what resonates with you. However, some of the biggest TikTok challenges are the Silhouette Challenge, “What I Eat in a Day” Challenge and “Flip the Switch” Challenge. Cosplay transformations and trends inspired by current songs are always popular too.
How do I find trending challenges on TikTok?
You can explore the “For You” section, follow creators you enjoy, check out the trending sounds and search for specific hashtags to find what’s trending on TikTok. A valuable resource you can utilize is TikTok Creative Center where trends and creative tips are shared.
Why are TikTok challenges popular?
TikTok challenges are popular because they have the power of bringing people together. Completing a TikTok challenge with others can create a shared experience based on collaboration and also boost self-esteem.
Are TikTok challenges dangerous?
While many TikTok challenges are harmless, some pose serious risks and should be avoided at all costs. Life-threatening stunts, extreme workouts and unhealthy diets are known as the topdangerous TikTok challenges .
What is the trend in TikTok in 2024?
Authenticity will be one of the biggest TikTok trends in 2024 so expect to see more self-expression and less staged performances. Micro-influencers and brands that lead to positive social change will also grow and be rewarded.
This blog recommended 20 TikTok challenges you can try in 2024 and highlighted what you must be mindful of when joining these challenges. Whether you choose to become a part of #BookTok, experiment with trends or track personal growth, always remember to have fun and stay true to yourself when doing TikTok challenges.
As TikTok launches new features regularly, it seems like the platform will continue to be a playground for unique ideas and diverse voices. In this ever-evolving universe, you have many chances to unleash your creativity, share moments with your loved ones and connect with others.