How to Promote a Podcast: 20 Best Practices

  • 2024-05-29
  • Serra Ardem
How to Promote a Podcast: 20 Best Practices

Launching and growing a podcast is an exciting journey, but simply putting out great content isn’t enough. You need to promote your podcast strategically to reach new audiences, build a loyal fanbase, and amplify your authentic voice.

In this blog, we will:

  • List how to promote a podcast in 20 powerful ways
  • Pay close attention to how to promote a podcast on social media, including Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Let’s get started.

How to Promote a Podcast in 20 Ways

There are so many proven strategies to promote a podcast and build a dedicated audience. We will now list 20 best practices for this purpose, with each covering three actionable tips in their respective areas.
From mastering cross-platform marketing to collaborating with other creators, here is how to promote a podcast effectively.

A man with headphones on speaking to a microphone and using a laptop.
  1. Spread the word.

Never underestimate the good old word-of-mouth method as it’s always a strong method for spreading awareness.

  • Tell your family, friends, colleagues, and anyone interested in your topic about your podcast.
  • When talking about your show, emphasize what makes it unique and worth listening to.
  • Recognize and appreciate your early supporters by mentioning them on the show or giving a “thank-you” shout out.
  1. Design eye-catching visuals.

A successful podcast marketing strategy requires a consistent and visually appealing brand identity.

  • Craft a memorable logo that reflects your podcast’s personality.
  • Choose a color palette that aligns with your podcast’s theme, and fonts that are easy to read on both mobile and desktop.
  • Maintain a consistent visual style across all your episodes, using clear-text and a design that pops.
  1. Get on podcast directories.

Podcast directories are like libraries for audio content, allowing listeners to browse and discover new shows.

  • Start by submitting your podcast to major directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and iHeartRadio.
  • Explore directories focused on your niche and get on them as well.
  • Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date, including the podcast title, description, artwork, and RSS feed.
  1. Create a podcast trailer.

A compelling podcast trailer will capture attention and leave listeners wanting more.

  • People have short attention spans, so aim for a trailer between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.
  • Open with a captivating hook, such as an intriguing question or a surprising fact.
  • Add high-quality background music to elevate your trailer’s overall production value.
  1. Be consistent with your release schedule.

Regularly releasing new episodes will help you build a loyal audience over time.

  • Don’t overcommit; create a realistic schedule that fits your workflow.
  • Consider recording multiple episodes in advance to create a buffer zone for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Be transparent with your listeners and let them know if you need to take a break.
A hand holding a smartphone which displays an Apple Podcasts library.
  1. Master podcast SEO.

Podcast SEO will improve your discoverability in search engines and make it easier for potential listeners to find you.

  • Identify keywords that your target audience might search for, and use them naturally in episode titles and descriptions.
  • Categorize your show in podcast platforms and add relevant tags.
  • Encourage other websites, blogs or podcasts to link back to your episodes and improve your podcast’s authority.
  1. Have a dedicated website.

Your podcast website can act as a central hub, containing all episodes and additional resources.

  • Add a comments section to your episodes where listeners can share their ideas and discuss.
  • Include clear calls to action, guiding visitors to subscribe, follow you on social media, or join the email list.
  • Don’t forget about SEO in your website, and integrate keywords here too.
  1. Transcribe your episodes.

From increasing accessibility to boosting SEO, podcast transcripts offer a range of benefits.

  • Utilize an online podcast transcription service to convert audio to text instantly and save time.
  • Make sure you have timestamps for key points in the episode and speaker identification for a reader-friendly experience.
  • Share transcripts on your website alongside each episode, and integrate them into your podcast if your hosting platform allows.

Tip: You can easily get an accurate transcript with Maestra’s AI Podcast Transcript Generator, which supports 125+ languages. All you have to do is upload your episode, and your transcript will be ready in just a few seconds.

  1. Utilize email marketing.

A newsletter is a powerful tool for nurturing relationships with your audience.

  • Include clear opt-in forms on your website and social media profiles to encourage listeners to subscribe.
  • Create an automated welcome email series that introduces new subscribers to your podcast, its purpose, and your typical episode format.
  • Don’t just promote episodes; offer valuable content like insightful blog posts or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  1. Repurpose and cross-promote your episodes.

Maximize your podcast’s value and extend your reach by repurposing content.

  • Take advantage of your episode transcripts to identify the most engaging sections of your podcast.
  • Share captivating text snippets or quotes from your episode on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.
  • Mention your repurposed content during your episodes to guide listeners.
A woman with headphones on speaking to a microphone.
  1. Share and engage strategically on social media.

Tailoring your content for each platform is an indispensable part of podcast promotion.

  • Use Twitter to break down key points, Instagram for Q&A sessions, Facebook for group discussions, and LinkedIn to demonstrate expertise in your field.
  • Create a branded hashtag for your podcast to increase awareness.
  • Actively respond to comments and questions on your social media posts to show your audience that you value them.
  1. Run ads.

Paid ads can help you attract new listeners.

  • Define your ideal listener profile (demographics, interests, the platforms they frequently use) to make sure your ads reach the right people.
  • Research which platform (Spotify Advertising, Acast, Google Ads, etc.) best aligns with your target audience and advertising budget.
  • Write an ad copy that hooks listeners in the first few seconds, and end with a CTA like “subscribe now!”
  1. Target platforms like Reddit.

Online communities can be a goldmine for marketing your podcast.

  • Do keyword research to identify subreddits related to your podcast.
  • Mention your podcast organically if a discussion aligns with its theme.
  • Don’t strive for quick subscriptions; aim to build long-lasting relationships.
  1. Ask for reviews and ratings.

Positive ratings will not only show listener appreciation but also boost your podcast’s visibility in directories.

  • Throughout the episode and in the outro, ask listeners to leave a review or rating on your preferred platform.
  • Take time to respond to existing reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional manner.
  • Share snippets of positive reviews on your social media accounts or website to drive others to tune in.
  1. Host giveaways or contests.

Giveaways or contests can generate excitement and grow your fan base.

  • Decide on a prize that directly appeals to your audience, such as match tickets if you’re hosting a sports podcast.
  • Clearly outline the actions listeners need to take to enter the contest or giveaway.
  • Announce the winner transparently by mentioning their username to build trust.
An illustration of a smartphone and five yellow starts in a speech bubble.
  1. Offer exclusive content for subscribers.

Rewarding your dedicated listeners is a great way to promote your podcast.

  • Explore hosting platforms with membership tiers or subscriber portals.
  • Provide bonus interviews or ad-free listening experiences.
  • Periodically mention your exclusive content within your regular episodes to highlight the benefits.
  1. Partner with brands and other creators.

Collaborations can be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

  • Research brands that advertise in your niche or creators who produce similar content but don’t directly compete.
  • Develop a strong pitch that outlines the value you offer to potential partners.
  • Consider co-hosting an episode, interviewing industry experts together, or organizing a joint giveaway or contest.
  1. Analyze and optimize.

Understanding your podcast’s performance is crucial for making informed decisions and improving your content strategy.

  • Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as downloads per episode, listener demographics, average listening time, completion rates, and subscriber growth.
  • Track social media shares and website traffic coming from your podcast.
  • Use the data to adjust episode lengths or tailor topics to audience interests.
  1. Follow trends.

The podcasting landscape constantly evolves and keeping up is crucial for staying relevant.

  • Subscribe to newsletters and blogs from reputable podcasting platforms, such as Podbean and Podcastle.
  • Regularly browse podcast charts to analyze the top-ranking shows in your niche and how they apply trends.
  • Actively listen to a variety of podcasts (both in and out of your niche) and pay attention to their episode structure, guest selection, and audience engagement strategies.
  1. Submit your podcast to podcast awards.

Podcast awards offer recognition, validation, and a chance to stand out in a crowded field.

  • Don’t submit blindly; identify awards that align with your podcast’s theme, format, and target audience.
  • Carefully review the award guidelines and ensure your submission adheres to all specifications.
  • Utilize social media channels to let your audience know about your nomination, and kindly ask them to support you by casting their vote.
A laptop screen showing sound waves and podcast data.

How to Promote a Podcast on Social Media

Before we conclude our blog, we want to elaborate on practice #11 and pay specific attention to how to promote a podcast on social media. Let’s see what you can do on 5 major platforms for this crucial step:

How to Promote a Podcast on Instagram

  • Tease upcoming episodes with short and intriguing video clips that highlight interesting moments or funny snippets.
  • Utilize Instagram Stories for polls about upcoming topics or countdown to new episode releases.
  • Host live sessions to discuss your podcast and answer questions.

How to Promote a Podcast on Twitter

  • Promote your podcast with regular tweets.
  • For easy access, pin a tweet with the latest episode link to your profile.
  • Host Twitter Spaces to have live audio conversations with your audience, and ask them to share their thoughts and questions.

How to Promote a Podcast on TikTok

  • Take advantage of TikTok’s trending sounds and hashtags to make your content more discoverable.
  • Build anticipation by sharing brief previews of your upcoming episodes.
  • Participate in challenges and encourage user-generated content related to your podcast.
A pink heart icon representing how to promote a podcast on social media

How to Promote a Podcast on Facebook

  • Create a Facebook group for your podcast to keep your audience engaged between episodes.
  • Identify and partner with Facebook groups relevant to your podcast’s niche.
  • Consider investing in targeted Facebook Ads to promote your podcast to a specific audience.

How to Promote a Podcast on LinkedIn

  • Activate LinkedIn’s Creator Mode for a more professional look and unlock additional features like a dedicated LinkedIn newsletter.
  • Write long-form articles in your podcast niche to establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • Participate in LinkedIn group discussions to share your expertise and subtly promote your podcast.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get 1,000 listeners for my podcast?

You must primarily focus on creating high-quality content to attract your first 1,000 listeners. Plus, have a catchy title and cover art. Don’t forget to promote your podcast on social media and other podcast directories.

How do you advertise your podcast for free?

There is no direct way to advertise your podcast for free. However, you can be active on social media platforms, create a website, and submit your podcast to all the major free directories. You can also appear on other podcasts as a guest to reach new listeners.

Can I advertise my podcast on Spotify?

Spotify Ad Studio allows you to target potential listeners with audio ads. You can start with a campaign as low as $250 and experiment with podcast advertising without a huge investment. Feel free to tailor your ads to specific demographics and interests to reach people who are most likely to enjoy your podcast.

Do small podcasts make money?

Absolutely! Platforms like Patreon allow listeners to directly support your podcast with donations. Additionally, you can promote products or services related to your podcast content and earn a commission on sales generated through affiliate links.

What is the best day to release a podcast?

There is no single best answer to this question. You must consider your audience, content type, and marketing plan to decide on your release dates. For example, if your podcast focuses on true crime investigations and you know your audience enjoys listening on their weekends, releasing new episodes on Saturdays might be ideal.


This blog listed 20 effective and proven strategies on how to promote a podcast. It also emphasized the importance of social media, and shared podcast promotion tips for 5 major platforms.

As podcasts continue to grow in popularity and diversity, the future of podcast marketing appears promising yet challenging. Emerging technologies like AI-driven recommendation algorithms and immersive audio experiences can revolutionize how podcasts are discovered and consumed. To be successful, make sure you stay informed and be open to changes in this dynamic digital environment.

Serra Ardem

About Serra Ardem

Serra Ardem is a freelance writer and editor based in Istanbul. For the last 8 years, she has been collaborating with brands and businesses to tell their unique story and develop their verbal identity.